stepping stones
... leap to success
Stepping Stones works with children, parents, local authority and the community to ensure the safety of children. We are committed to creating an environment which encourages children to develop positive relationships and self-esteem; regardless of language, race, culture, religion or social background. We create an open, secure and stimulating environment supported through our policies and procedures. A successful nursery combines the skills of the practitioners and the care for people with effective policies. We have several policies which govern the operations of our nursery. These are reviewed by management on a timely basis as they have to be maintained and measured to ensure our processes are always up to the highest standards.
We have included all of our policies below. Parents, carers and the local authority are welcome to contribute to our policies. We also update them through the feedback we receive which we seek regularly. The policies can be accessed and downloaded using Adobe Acrobat. If you require the software for this it is available free from www.adobe.com
Click on the policies below to access them:
Child Protection (Safeguarding) Policy
Domestic Abuse, Honour Based Abuse and Forced Marriage Policy
Intimate Care, Safe and Respectful Care and Nappy Changing Policy
Caring for Babies and Toddlers, Use of Dummies, Sleep, Nutrition & Mealtimes and Food Play Policy
Modern Slavery and Child Trafficking Policy
Prevent Duty and Radicalisation Policy
Inclusion, Equality, Early Learning Opportunities Statement and Multiple Birth Families Policy
Health and Safety in the Office Policy
Supervisions of Children and Visitors Policy
Parents as Partners, Complaints & Compliments and Aggressive Behaviour Policy
Admissions Policy and Nursery Operational Plan
Arrivals & Departures and Late or No Collection Policy
Accidents and First Aid Policy
Allergies and Allergic Reaction Policy
Acceptable Internet Use Policy
Mobile Phone and Electronic Devise Use Policy
Online Safety and Cyber Security Policy
GDPR – Retention of Records and Access & Storage of Information Policy
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy
Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy
Well-being in the Nursery Policy
Quality Provision and Equipment and Resources Policy
Gun play & Superhero, Outdoor Play, Gifted & Talented, Settling In and Transition Policy
Overall Approach to Risk Assessment Policy
Environmental Sustainability Policy
Grievance, Staff Disciplinary and Anti-Bribery Policy
Staff Behaviour, Absence Management, Bereavement and Behaviour Management Policy
Personnel & Safer Recruitment of Staff and Suitability of Staff Policy
Special Consideration for Employees Policy
Staff Working with their own Children or Close Relation Policy
No Smoking, Vaping and Alcohol and Substance Misuse Policy