stepping stones
... leap to success
Introduction to Ofsted
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people, and services providing education and skills for learners of all ages.
Every week, they carry out hundreds of inspections and regulatory visits throughout England publishing the results online. Ofsted report directly to Parliament and are independent and impartial.
Having a well-respected Ofsted rating is part of how we demonstrate our commitment to high standards. The nursery’s Ofsted report is available online at www.ofsted.gov.uk, as is the report for every nursery, pre-school, playgroup and child-minder in the country.
Our Ofsted Rating
In September 2017 our setting was rated GOOD. We have been commended in various areas and have built strong foundations.
"Children have strong, warm relationships with staff, which helps them to feel secure and promotes their emotional well-being."
"Staff assess children's progress well. They use this information to inform planning effectively. As a result, children make good progress from their starting points."
"Staff manage children's behaviour well using praise to motivate children to behave in positive ways."
"Management have a vigilant approach to children's welfare and safety. As a result, children are kept safe and secure."
We have acted on the recommendations and are continually improving our setting in a number of ways to try and provide an outstanding service.