stepping stones
... leap to success

Stepping Stones provide quality child care, offering a child-centred approach to help children to develop individually, creatively and with self-confidence in a secure and stimulating environment. We deliver a friendly and homely atmosphere for children and parents/carers.
Our Nursery ensures that every child develops to their full potential. We achieve this through a fun, resourceful and thought-out environment where every child can develop at their pace and an appropriate level. Our room layouts ensure that the activities and resources are in line with the seven-learning areas stated on the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. We maintain strong partnership with parents and encourage them to contribute to their children’s development and learning. We continually ask for feedback and improve our facilities and resources.
Children will be encouraged to learn skills, acquire new knowledge, and demonstrate understanding in all aspects to help them leap to success.
We believe passionately:
A safe, warm, and nurturing environment enables children to thrive.
To instil in children a lifetime love of learning.
Each child is an individual where all needs are accepted, valued, and met to support each child and help reach their full potential.
To provide a reliable and trustworthy service to Parents enabling a close and supportive relationship so partnership can assist learning and development.
We therefore strive to do the following:
Enable the safety and wellbeing of your child so they are physically and emotionally safe.
Inspire your child to learn and develop by creating a stimulating environment.
Understand your child and tailor our approach for their needs.
Develop strong partnerships with parents, families and the wider community.
Our staff are selected, continually trained, and supervised to meet the needs of the children in their care.
Our ethos, principles and aims are embedded in Our Curriculum.