stepping stones
... leap to success
Children develop at their own pace and according to their capabilities. We follow the Early Years Founding Stage (EYFS) curriculum which is a Government framework focusing on the development and learning from birth up to the age of five. The framework gives all professionals a set of common principles and commitments in order to deliver quality early education and childcare to all children.
At Stepping Stones, staff plan activities every day balancing between adult and child led activities giving children the freedom to do what they want. Our environment is fun and stimulating allowing children to develop a variety of skills. We have an under two year old room and an over two year old room.
In our baby room children have different activities which include painting, mask making, messy play, sticking, puzzles and other resources. The other room for the older children (Springfield) has a wide range of resources. Planned activities take place which are linked to children's needs and the curriculum. Each child is allocated a key worker who will monitor the progress your child is making which is all documented in your child's learning journey.
Children can take advantage of our phonics, drama, physical education and french lessons which are all provided at our setting.
Children participate in activities related to festivals and events throughout the year. Extra curriculum activities also take place such as local visits from the community (fire brigade, police and doctors) as well as outings within the area.